Lazy to Lauferin

This series will chronical the trials and tribulations of a slightly podgy hobby jogger on her journey to becoming a marathon runner.

I’ll be taking part in the Berlin Marathon on 26th September 2021 to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK. To date the very longest event I’ve taken part in is Chester Metric Marathon (16 miles approx.) which involved a lot of walking and a LONG recovery. I currently run, on average 3-4 times a week up to 15 miles in total. I’m pretty slow, my 5k pb is just a sniff over 30 mins and my 10k pb is 1hr 6mins. My goal is to run the marathon, ideally without any walking, in under 5 hours. I’m not going to share my weight but I will share with you some facts.

According to the NHS height and weight chart I am currently obese. I’ve already lost almost 4 stone during my journey from illness to health and along the way I’ve completed couch to 5k, progressed to 10k, half marathon and beyond. I’ve returned to swimming and cycling for cross training and really enjoy the diversity of a triathlon training programme.

I’ve set myself a number of *SMART targets:

I’ll be sharing my progress every month. This will include what I’ve achieved, how I’ve achieved it and the challenges I face. I’ll include details of my training programme and advice I receive along the way. I’m hoping you’ll all support my efforts and help me with my fund raising goals, perhaps even share your advice and inspirations to keep me going?

If you’d like to get in touch you can email

*Lauferin: (feminine) noun – athete or person who goes running

**Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time bound.